We designed a business that truly works for everyone! Sell in-home or online, participate in local vendor events and boutique businesses. This is your business, so work when and where you want. There are No minimum sales, quotas or autoship requirements to keep your business. Our in-house marketing & promotions team will keep your website looking first class, information updated and marketing downloads in your back office. Our Customer Retention System guarantees your customers always make it back to your store and you get the commissions. Our Lead Generations System takes new users encountering our website and based on GPS position, refers the sales to nearby people.
Your website is designed to provide users with a pleasant, yet easy browsing and shopping experience. Desktop & Mobile browsing experiences are different. We want to connect with users quickly when they arrive, telling compelling stories with digital media and help them to connect emotionally with our message and products (fall in love!!). We showcase strong branding, clear messages, detailed information and we provide choices for better health. We offer customers discounted products placed on autoship, rewards program, early product reservations, order tracking, reorder options and more! We will expand your sales opportunities with our state-of-the-art, fully managed business system. Sell products in person and online 24/7, 365 days a year. We ship everything for you, directly to your customer!
Gain access to the Back Office, a secure section of the Ritza website available only to Representatives. Our business platform & back office system is one of the best in the industry. We've designed your website to be personalized to you, with your picture, social connections, custom message, unique URL, contact page and a lot more! Your Back Office contains dedicated training portals, detailed sales tracking, real-time commission reports, marketing downloads, sales leaderboards and much more. Based on your schedule and desired income, you decide how much money you want to make from your business. We've put the infrastructure in place for you to be wildly successful!
We feel that investing in You, is our best investment! Our generous commissions pay up to 30% commissions on personal sales and bonuses for hitting sales milestones. We make it easy to run your business while on the go, access your e-wallet and many other business tools - right from your phone! We've provided you world class products, a turn-key business system and state-of-the-art back office. We are your product supplier and fulfillment company.
We're a team, we take care of each other. We'll provide you with a variety of tangible, executable strategies that have proven success and are easy to manage. Tune into weekly LIVE calls where the owners and key leadership provide announcements, product updates and core training. In your back office you will find extensive training resources and step-by-step guides. Most of all... we want you to enjoy yourself and take back control of your time, money & health!
We are sad to say, we are closed for business and all available inventory has sold out Read More